Nurturing Intentions
As we reach the midpoint of summer, I spent a fair amount of time earlier this week working one-on-one with some clients to outline goals for the coming season. Referring to this process as a seasonal refresh, we engage in active conversation regarding what they wish to achieve the next three months; gain clarity on what is most important to them, and write out a plan to support these intentions. Why intentions and not goals? Intentions are more energetically aligned with our authentic selves while goals may be more aspirational.
Our intentions need attention or they will not manifest. Each of us need active engagement with our intentions. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you need to take action. My role is to support my clients in the process and partner with them to identify, prioritize, and nurture these intentions whether they are personal or professional.
So what does nurturing our intentions look like? It is seeing our intentions come to life, whether it is organizing your home office, making a medical appointment that you just can’t seem to get around to or creating a resume for your dream job. It can be establishing a workout plan that lights you up or finally cleaning out your closet. It can be setting a new course for your business that aligns with your passions and heart or it can be reducing your spending on items that don’t bring you Joy.
The key is to focus on the outcomes and visualize how you will feel when you are in alignment with these intentions. It is very different than just attaining a goal (which is a worthwhile achievement!). It is embodying a state of being that resonates with who you truly are in your own growth and development. It is different for each person because it must resonate with your authentic self.
I like to focus my clients on three-month intention planning because that period of time is fairly short and doable for most individuals. As I have written about before, there is beauty and inspiration in tethering our planning to the seasons. A lot can change from season to season, whether it be children going back to school, or the hustle bustle that gets layered on during the holidays, or the need to withdraw and restore ourselves in the winter months like bears going into hibernation.
How do we evaluate if we are on the right track with nurturing our intentions? Simply, by asking ourselves this question:
Have I made progress or changes that are leading to more happiness, healthier living, more balance, order and inner peace?
After all, it is not about the pretty Pinterest-worthy office space, it is how it makes you feel inside to be organized and have a place for everything. Balance ~ Harmony ~Order. We are looking for ways to cultivate inner Joy and that is unique and different for everyone who walks this planet.
I encourage you to take even one step towards your own intentions today. Every step reaffirms your desires to the universe and empowers you by creating more energy and excitement to live the life you want.