Make Room For Life
Getting organized in any area of your life can feel overwhelming and intimidating. Dealing with life transitions such as a move, family member loss, divorce, or an aging parent can add further emotional burden and weight.
In the midst of these life events, how would it feel to have the support and guidance of trustworthy partner, coach and organizer to help navigate you towards simple and streamlined solutions for your home, business, and life?
Schedule a free consultation to discuss your goals and establish a tailored plan that meets your individual needs. Whether it's corralling and creating functionality for your family, getting rid of unwanted clutter, or navigating one of life's inevitable transitions, let someone else do the heavy-lifting for a change. After all, aren't there more valuable ways you'd like to spend your precious time?
Services & Pricing
Organizing Services include a tailored plan, and systems for maintaining for the following:
Staging/Prepping for a Move
Setting up a New Home
Dealing with the posessions of an aging family member, loss of a spouse or other family member
Empty Nest refresh
Kitchens and Pantries
Entertainment Areas
Kids Rooms and playrooms
Home Offices
Small Business Setup and Organization
Services are available locally in San Diego and Orange County, California.
30 minute consultation - complimentary
Organization by the hour (minimum 3hrs) $75/hour
Add an hour of Organization (any package) $75/hour
Organizaning Package of 4 (3hr) sessions - $810